When does my zoo entrance ticket also qualify as a VRS travel ticket? Tickets for the Cologne Zoo are valid as a VRS travel ticket when purchased at https://koelnerzoo.de/visit#entry-prices. Please note that you must create and print the personalised VRS ticket (combined ticket) separately.

How do I receive my free ticket? You will receive a ticket code and an order number with your e-ticket for Cologne Zoo (or a special event). Please enter this data on https://shop.derticketservice.de/koelner-zoo/printathomeplus to print out your personalised ticket (CombiTicket).

Is this service free for me? Yes, with this service a round trip can be taken by public transport (VRS) free of charge (same-day trip).

Where can I find the necessary data to retrieve the free combined tickets? All the information can be found on your e-ticket printout. Please enter the ticket code (18 digits) and the order number (4 digits) when registering at https://shop.derticketservice.de/koelner-zoo/printathomeplus.

Who can use the ticket? After personalisation, the ticket is valid for the person entered when retrieving the combined tickets. To validate the printout, the traveller simply uses his identity card and the event ticket. Please note: This personalisation cannot be changed later.

When should I personalise my combined ticket? We recommend that you personalise your combined ticket shortly before the journey, as the ticket is no longer transferable after personalisation.

How quickly will I receive my combined ticket? Your personal ticket for arrival by public transport will be displayed directly after registration. You simply have to print it out.

Can I reprint my combined ticket? If you experience any problems printing your combined ticket, you can reprint the document. Enter your ticket data again. Please note that your original personalisation and date cannot be changed.

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